Sunday, December 30, 2007

New Year's Resolutions / Revolutions

Difficult subject, this.

I'd have hoped that we'd been able to buy that property in the west of Ireland, but it wasn't to be. 2008 would have been the year to cast aside the past; to create a whole new life away from the things that trouble me so much about my family, my life here, in short, all the past mistakes I have made. But, no. The revolution has been called off indefinitely, probably forever.

So 2008 is shaping up to be an even less exciting version of 2007. We certainly won't be taking two trips to Europe, or remodeling the kitchen. My infrequent employment seems certain to continue.

So is there anything worth resolving to do?

Ummmm. Thinking, thinking...

I resolve to change the oil in my car more frequently.

I resolve to maintain this blog, even though nobody reads it.

I resolve to maintain hope that this country, and this city, doesn't spiral further downward.

I resolve not to buy things at the Redlands antiques auction that I have no room for.

I resolve to read more books and read less Ebay listings.

I resolve.... well, that's all I can think of. A piss-poor list. Sorry.

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