Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Another Christmas in Redlands CA

Short, sweet, and to the point.

That's the way it is, when your kids are grown.

First, you have to coordinate the logistics of the celebration with The Ex, each kid's Special Someone, various family friends and so on, none of whom will attend "our" event. Once that's done, the rest is easy.

Plug in the Christmas tree. Greet arriving family. Wife cooks her usual fabulous breakfast. The kids chow down, make small talk (today's topic: the 1980's drug trade in south Florida) and move on to the living room.

Presents are exchanged. Photographs taken. Polite thank you's. Rush for the door. (After all, they each have at least three other parties to attend.) Unplug tree.

Merry Christmas. Only 365 shopping days until the next one. Enjoy.

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