Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Year's Resolutions 2009

I looked back at my list from 2008 and I can see that I kept a few and forgot about most. Let's see what I can cook up for the new year ahead:

I resolve to give President Obama a chance at doing something, anything positive. Let's face it, he's got a lot on his plate, so I'm not expecting miracles; though you'd think from some circles he could walk on water just because he's black and a Democrat.

I resolve to complete the list of home improvement projects I wrote out Christmas week, thinking I could bang them all out in a few days. Yeah, right...

I resolve, again, to continue writing this blog although nobody reads the stuff.

I resolve to wash the cars on a regular basis. You'd think that would be an easy one; it isn't.

That's about it. See you in January 2010 for an update on how I did.

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