Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Dear Procter and Gamble...

Here's a nastygram I just fired off to Procter and Gamble. I think you'll find it self-explanatory.

Just what compels P&G to screw with well-established brands like Head & Shoulders every couple of years? I'm not seeking innovation and I doubt seriously if anyone using H&S for years/decades is, either. I've watched you mess with the scent, the viscosity, the packaging over and over again. What? You draft a new product manager with a fresh marketing degree and say "here - try and make this more attractive"? Jeez... Do you guys ever shove your focus groups into a shower and say "see if you can open this bottle, one handed, with your face full of water?" Obviously not, or you'd not have burdened your "new and improved" H&S with such a crappy package. But then, I guess this gives you an opportunity next year to reduce the ounces and proclaim it's got a "easier to use" container. Right???? And as for the smell...yuck!

Let's see if I get more than an automated response. Somehow, I doubt it. If I'm wrong, I'll post it here.

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