Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Political Pot Shots

That's a cute alliterative title for a topic that I seriously worry about.

I'm not talking "pot shots" as in cheap shots, here. I'm talking about political assassination.

Being of a certain age, I lived through the deaths of John Kennedy, his brother Bobby, and Martin Luther King. Nine year old kids shouldn't experience five-syllable words like "assassination," outside of history and references to Abe Lincoln. Nine year old kids shouldn't watch Jack Ruby gun down Oswald live on TV, in the middle of their lunch, as I did.

We watched loonies take pot shots at Jerry Ford and Ronald Reagan. (Odd how, as hated as he was, nobody ever tried to stop Nixon the same way.)

We now have a man who is running for the presidency who is handsome, black, and charismatic. He evokes memories of the Kennedys and King both in his presence and his speeches of hope. And I pray for a new generation of nine year olds that the past doesn't repeat itself.

We recently saw what happened to Benazir Bhutto. Another charismatic campaigner, carrying a message of hope to a distressed country. The terror lives on in a new century.

Oh, stop. Please, God. stop this.

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