Sunday, December 13, 2009

Worst Use Of A Rock Song In A Commercial...

We boomers have endured years of classic rock music rehashed as themes for TV commercials.  Even the Beatles and Led Zep turn up in ads these days; probably the most creative use of Rock as Advertising was  Zeppelin's "Rock and Roll " to reposition Cadillac in the marketplace.

What I don't understand is Pachanga Casino's use of "More Than A Feeling" by one of my favorite bands of all time, Boston.  Yeah, I know, I know... baby boomers (supposedly) have money to burn at the gaming tables. Some genius says, "let's use a classic rock song nobody else has used to lure them in" and voila, we're hearing Brad Delp (RIP) implying that playing slots owned by the Indians is some sort of transcendental experience.


No, it's not right.  It's wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong.  It's jarring.  The images don't fit the soundtrack. There's no audio or video subtext to explain the use of the music.  Gag.

Boston should have held out for the 2011 Mustang, or some energy drink, or something else that takes the spirit of their music and uses it to better effect.

 Oh well, I hope they got a good paycheck.

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