Sunday, August 2, 2009

Stimulating Thoughts.

What with half the country running around celebrating the success of Obama's Cash For Clunkers program (a government program that works! What a concept!) perhaps it's time to try Blogger Dave's stimulus idea. Drum roll, please...

Cash For Computer Clunkers.

Having just replaced our cranky old PC with a new Mac, I'm thrilled. Lightning-fast page loads! Intuitive software! The old HP was chugging along like one of those clunkers the administration urged us all to trade in.

So, says I, let's have a program to benefit America's tech industry. Trash the old PC and get an instant rebate from Uncle Sam... say, $300. Who'd benefit? Microsoft, Intel, Del, Apple, big box electronic retailers... you name it.

Great idea, huh? It's too late for me, but call your congressman (or woman) and pitch the idea.

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