Monday, May 4, 2009

At Last, A Good Reason To Be Old.

Great news on the Mexican Swine Flu front...

It appears that much of our panic was misplaced. Early reports sounded grim: young, healthy people were being struck dead in Mexico City. If the young were dying off, what would happen to the old and infirm?

HA HA! It's good to be an old fart sometimes. NPR reports that the influenza that's captured all the attention is just a derivative strain of the one my generation got back in the early 70's. Which means, while we're not exactly immune, it's NO BIG DEAL! We've already got the antibodies or whatever the hell the doctors call it to knock it down to manageable size.

So it looks like it's going to be a pretty anemic pandemic. At least for us Boomers.

I guess it's true:

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Yeah baby!!!

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