Sunday, August 24, 2008

Things I'll Never Understand...

For reasons I won't go into here, I spent a day watching people attending a close-out sale of high quality shoes and clothing, priced at 20 cents or less on the retail dollar.

I'd always heard stories about the behavior of people at events like this, and, sad to say, the stories are true. Rudeness and skulduggery are the norm, and civility ends at the front door.

I am not a misogynist. Honest. But I'll never understand the behavior of women who are intent on getting a deal. Here's what I witnessed:

Tag switching -- So here's this leather skirt. It originally was $200. It's now $20; an amazing bargain. Yet some woman still attempted to remark the price to $5. Said woman is a high-powered executive in the entertainment industry.

"Is this cute?" One gal says to another, as she pulls a shoe from the shelf and slips it on her foot. "Oh, look at this one." Off comes the original, where it is kicked several feet away on the floor. Repeat this scene a dozen times by one customer, and then multiply that by another dozen women. No shoe is ever returned to it's original position on the shelf next to its mate. This never happens over in the men's shoe section. Why do women do this?

I'll bet you didn't know that women's shoes can magically transport themselves all over a store. I found them in the women's clothing department, which makes sense, I guess... trying to match shoes with a dress or something... but how do they end up shelved with office supplies, or even furniture? Again, men's shoes don't travel.

Moses forgot the eleventh commandment: Thow shall not covet thy neighbor's clothing pile. There were no shopping carts at this event, so every woman had a pile of clothes they shuffled around on the floor close to their feet, lest ye fellow shopper attempt to make off with one of their finds. It seems that if it's on the rack, it can't possibly be as good as something another shopper has already picked out. Go figure.

Lack of shopping carts does not deter the motivated female shopper from improvisation. Step one: Go to furniture department. Step two: Select sturdy office chair. Step three: Pile items selected for purchase as high as possible onto seat of chair. Step four: Purchase items, wheel chair to loading dock. Step five: Abandon chair.

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