Sunday, September 20, 2009

Another Good Reason To Not Watch TV

This year's Emmy awards show was supposed to have showcased the best television has to offer. Maybe it did, but I turned it off after the first hour because it certainly wasn't offering up anything I wanted to watch.

I don't want to know who was responsible for writing garbage like this, but their names ought to be passed around Hollywood as people who have no comedic sense whatsoever. I've never seen so many jokes fall flat in the name of "edgy" humor.

Get a clue, guys. There's better jokes in a three year old copy of Reader's Digest. I'm sure you all think Jay Leno is out of style -- but at least he can make people laugh. Neil Patrick Harris may be funny on his sitcom, but he's the poster boy for award show hosts who are so full of themselves. And, as Wifey pointed out, he's no Hugh Jackman when it comes to song and dance, either.

I guess it's back to the Discovery Channel for me...

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