Monday, October 13, 2008

Why I Took September Off...

Having not blogged in well over a month, I thought I'd explain why I haven't been typing my little fingers off to my vast legions of loyal ADIR readers.

Well, It's been too much fun sitting back and watching the world spin seemingly out of control. Start with the Olympics, with its faked footprints in the sky, the kids who weren't pretty enough for TV, and David Beckham kicking soccer balls from a double decker bus. How was I to top that in my little sarcastic blog? Then there's the Presidential race, the debates, Sarah Palin (!) et al. Finally we come to our current Three Mile Island of economic disasters, for which I could have written volumes. Instead, I'll let Ron Paul tell the truth in another blog entry for today. Read it and weep.

So, I quote Abe Lincoln and take his advice:
It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.

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