Wednesday, April 14, 2010

New Social Networks.

Twitter, Twitter, Twitter. That's all I hear about any more. Somebody's making millions, and it ain't me. Maybe I'll just have to invent some new so-called social networking sites and see if I can rake in some cash.

Let me know if you'd like to throw away I mean invest some money in the following ideas:

  • Angry? Depressed? Dispossessed? You're needed at...wait for it... BITTER.
  • Elly Mae Clampett will host an animal support group at.... CRITTER.
  • So involved in the Internet you're texting on the john? Join....SHITTER.
  • Writing blogs that nobody reads? Waste more time at...DITHER.
  • From the South? Like fried food? Tell us all about it at FRITTER.
  • Violent major league home-run kings on steroids are welcome at HITTER.
  • Into archery? Join QUIVER.
  • Country-western fans can join those from sit-com "3's Company" at...yes... RITTER.
I think I'll stop now and wait for my medication to kick in. I now return you to your regularly scheduled blog...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Priceless!!!! And I think you have a couple of winners there! XXXXXXXX