Sunday, November 29, 2009

Let's Get Animated For A Minute...

Knowing that lots of people will be stuck around the house on the long Thanksgiving weekend, the TV networks pulled out some of their grade "A" stuff to watch.  (Not enough, but enough.)

Having just rented Disney's Up the other day, and remembering how terrific it was to see a genuinely creative story told, I was delighted to see three other animated films on TV.  The Incredibles remains one of the best movies released in the past decade, and loses nothing in multiple viewings. Cars, another one of Pixar's hits, is sheer genius, especially to anyone who has loved anything automotive or who has traveled Route 66 / Interstate 40 multiple times, as I have.  Finally, I got to see a recent release that didn't get as much attention as the others, but none the less is a fine film in its own right -- Bolt.  

All of these films combine outstanding animation with (pardon the pun) three dimensional characters, a well thought out story, and great voice acting from some of the best people in Hollywood... and I just don't mean the "stars" whose names we all recognize.  There are some incredibly talented people roaming around Hollywood whose faces you will never see, but who's voices you have heard perhaps hundreds of times on film and television.  To them, I tip my hat.

Lately, all we seem to get on the big screen are cheap comedies and big CGI films lifting characters from comic books.  Maybe the studios ought to turn the creators of the above films loose on live action movies. Then again, maybe not.  I want to see more great animated films in the future.

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