Look what I just found on the AP wire!
5/1/10 8:57:10 AM EDT
Press conference scheduled Monday, 5/3/2010, 9 AM, White House press room.
Attending: POTUS, VPOTUS, President of Mexico Felipe Calderon,
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
Credentials: White House, State Department press credentials ONLY
unless prior clear by Homeland Security / Secret Service and press office.
Contact SS media relations at 202.406.2000.
Media load-in 7:45 to 8:15 AM East gate. NO EARLY ARRIVALS.
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
The United States has always welcomed immigrants from around the world. My father, an immigrant from Kenya, came to this country seeking a better life, and chances are that some member of your own family arrived here seeking the same.
Unfortunately, millions have recently come to this country without permission, most crossing our southern border with Mexico. This has caused many communities, particularly in the southwest, increasing hardship, as they pay for increased law enforcement and health care for these undocumented families -- families who want nothing more than a better life than their native country can offer.
Therefore, seven months ago, our State Department began private negotiations with the government of Mexico to stem the tide of illegal immigration, and at the same time improve the economic conditions of our Mexican neighbors.
Today, I am proud to announce a new treaty between The United States and Mexico, that, once ratified by our Congress will address these issues. The scope and ramifications of this treaty are immense, but I want to share with you now a brief summary of what our two countries have agreed to.
Effective January 1, 2015, portions of San Bernardino, San Diego, Riverside, and Imperial counties in the state of California will become part of Baja California, Mexico. This will provide the nation of Mexico with billions of dollars of infrastructure -- cities, highways, electric generating plants, factories -- all in place to create an economic boon to Mexican citizens in the decades ahead.
Prior to this date, all undocumented Mexicans now in the US will be urged to move permanently to this region. After January 1, 2015, any Mexican citizen residing illegally within the boundaries of the United States will receive significant jail time, and their property and possessions seized before their repatriation to their home country.
In addition, as of the January 1, 2015 date, no child born of undocumented Mexican parents in the US will receive automatic United States citizenship.
In return for the approximately 250,000 square miles of territory, Mexico will convey to the United States 49 percent of their ownership in the state-held Permex gas and oil company, and allow unlimited off-shore oil drilling along their border with the Pacific ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. Revenues of these wells will be shared on an equal basis between both countries.
As for the United States citizens residing in the affected region of California, they can stay, retain ownership of their property, and hold citizenship of both the United States and Mexico; or, move out of the area and receive a one million dollar annuity from the United States government, paid out over the fifteen years after the treaty is ratified.
President Felipe Calderon of Mexico is with us today, and wishes to share a statement with the American people. Following President Calderon's message, the Secretary of State will be taking questions.
Thank you, and God Bless America.
Nah, just kidding...