Saturday, April 19, 2008

I Want My ZPG

You can't open a newspaper or turn on the TV without somebody telling you about the latest "green" energy saving idea. Everything these days, it seems, is based on how this or that will save "the equivalent of taking XX number of cars off the road" or "will cut xx number of new powerplants that need to be built".

Let's get a grip on reality, folks.

Although the government can mandate all the environmental change it wants, it's not going to matter in the long run, because the world's population keeps zooming upward. And nobody but nobody is going to tell anyone in the free world to stop having babies.

They say that Social Security is the third rail of politics. Any politico who might even suggest such a thing as limiting the number of kids his or her constituents can have might as well go stand in front of the subway train and ignore the third rail all together.

There was a time when ZPG, or Zero Population Growth, might have at least received discussion, and that was back at the very beginning of the environmental movement. In 1968 author Paul Erlich published his best-selling book "The Population Bomb" which outlined the effects of population growth on society. It had an impact on some people. The best example I have is that of my first wife. So moved with the idea, she had her tubes tied a year after our marriage.

But the 1960's morfed into the disco 70's, and then the yuppie 1980's, modern Americans, men and women both, wanted it all -- the career, the condo, the kids. And, yes, they wanted the Latina illegal immigrant to clean the house and cook the food, and a Latino to mow the lawn and wash the car... who were busy making babies, lots of babies, themselves. In the 1990's, the yuppies moved out of the condos and into their McMansions, taking their kids, cars, and undocumented aliens with them.

So, here we are in the 21st century, the North Pole is melting away, and suddenly everybody wants the world to be "green". Yet, do you hear anyone talk about population control? Nope. Unless its China, where they have a one child per family policy, which Western folks look upon with horror -- those damn Communists; how dare they!

In my life, the population of this country has nearly doubled. Something less than one percent of our nation earns its living on the farm. Yesterday I heard on the news that for the first time in history, half the world lives in cities. We grow and grow, taking more and more of our natural resources, until there is no more left to take, except by war and greed.

Still think the meek will inherit the earth? Good luck with that.

Perhaps nature will win the game first. All it will take is a new pandemic; a new plague or influenza that will knock civilization back on its knees for a few centuries. At least the survivors will have plenty of nice McMansions to choose from.

I guess we'll just have to see how things go in the final quarter.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

So, Just How Rich Are You, Anyway?

Here's something to make you feel better about your lot in life!
Click here:
Global Rich List

...Of course, they're trying to sell something, and I have my doubts as to accuracy...try plugging in "O" and you'll still end up richer than damn near everybody.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Best Internet Video Ever!

The be-all and end-all of internet video. Right here, right now.

Jesus Walked On Water -- But Have You Seen What Arabs Can Do These Days?


Thursday, April 10, 2008

Katie Couric - Poster Child For Media's Meltdown

I've never been a big fan of Katie Couric. In fact, I've never been a fan of Katie Couric, big or small. I, as a rule, don't care for people who base their careers on being "cute" or "perky" especially if it involves The News. Couric is one of them.

We all recognise that some people (sports personalities come immediately to mind) receive compensation way out of whack with reality. At least a Tiger Woods or a Kobe Bryant are at the top of their field, so some (not I) can "justify" their enormous paychecks.

It's rumored that Couric, as anchorperson, won't survive to see the end of her five year contract with CBS. Since she joined CBS a couple of years ago, her evening news program is mired in third place. CBS bet big on Couric's star power from her days at the Today show, and lost.

Now there's a new rumor afloat. CBS may "outsource" its news, and get their reporting from CNN. Edward R. Murrow is spinning in his grave.

Think what Couric's $15 million a year could buy. Assume Couric works 250 days a year (doubtful) and that she spends 22 minutes each of those days on the air. That works out to over $2,700 a minute for our perky third place anchor.

For $2,700 a month, CBS could hire a stringer with a video camera in every backwater around the entire globe. Maybe the result wouldn't be a return to the days CBS was known as the "Tiffany Network" but my bet is they'd have a damn better news gathering operation than they have now.

I can live without "perky" -- how about you?

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Quiz: Name That War

Here's a little thought provoker for you.

Since World War II, which war has been the bloodiest?

Vietnam? Nope.

Korea? Nope.

Iraq? You're awfully American-centered in your thinking. Nope.

Bosnia? Sorry.

Keep guessing....

Afghanistan? US vs. Taliban, or Russia vs. the Muhajadeen? Nope on both counts.

Anything involving Israel? Not hardly.

That thing with the Contras in Central America? Get real. You're getting colder.

Give up?

Here's a hint: It's been going on now for at least the past ten years.

Tens of thousands of women have been raped.

Over five million people dead.

Oh, come on, it's right at the tip of your tongue, right?




The war in the so-called Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Do we not care because: a) it's Africa; b) it's black people who are dying; c) it doesn't affect us; d) the third world is a backward bunch of corrupt greedy bastards; e) all of the above?

You decide.

"The Unaccustomed Earth" a Thought For Today

"Human nature will not flourish, any more than a potato, if it be planted and replanted, for too long a series of generations, in the same worn-out soil. My children have had other birthplaces, and, so far as their fortunes may be within my control, shall strike their roots into unaccustomed earth." --- From "The Custom House" by Nathaniel Hawthorne

Perhaps it has come the time for some of us to go on to a new place, having worn out our "American soil," our American lives; to make room for others who find this place more to their liking?

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Top eBay Item Of The Week

JANIS JOPLIN IMAGE APPEARS CHOCOLATE MILK STAIN! WEIRD! - eBay (item 140220363627 end time Apr-06-08 15:35:35 PDT)

Achtung, Baby: Back To Work

After a long, long, strike-induced layoff, I'm back to work on a regular basis.

Thank God.

Like many people, especially Americans, I partly derive my self-esteem from work. So, it's really good to be back.... but we should remind ourselves, now and then, what is really important in life.

Americans define themselves by their jobs. Ask an American what they "do" and they will say "I'm an accountant" or "I drive a truck." Ask a European the same question, and they will say "I like to ski" or "I like to travel." Quite a difference in perception, huh?

(Which might have something to do with the near riot that broke out in France last year when the government wanted to raise the standard work week up from the traditional THIRTY hours. Those poor bastards! With only four guaranteed paid weeks off a year!)

That being said, we come to the real subject of this blog entry: a once-popular German phrase.

There are days, and we have them all, that work seems more akin to slavery than to joie de vivre. (Sorry to slip a little French in on you.) We all have our bills to pay and our dreams to finance. Nevertheless, in the depths of the work week, with no end in sight, we look at the drudgery we face and moan to ourselves that there's got to be a better way. Of course, there usually isn't.

And here's where a little German phrase will come in handy. Write it down for future reference.

"Arbeit macht fre"

...which means, roughly translated, "work makes you free" or "work brings freedom." Most good hearted, Puritan-ethic Americans will nod their heads in agreement with that concept.

Now, I bet you've seen this phrase someplace. But where? Think about it.

Keep thinking...

No? Give up?

Remember that I have a huge appreciation for irony, then Google the phrase.


Kinda puts a new perspective on things, doesn't it?


We tend to take ourselves, and the things we do to make a living, a little too seriously. Better we remember that while work provides us with material wealth, it's not worth killing ourselves, or others, over it. Remember this lie that the Germans told; the lie that work makes freedom, and remember where you saw it.

Take pride in what you do, and how you do it, but don't let your job define you, or how you perceive the value of the guy next to you. Don't let anyone, especially your kids, persist in believing that work will set them free. Freedom is a state of mind, not a paycheck.

Now, keep that little phrase taped to your cubicle wall, water cooler, or tool box, and reread it whenever things get to be a bit much at work. See? Things could be worse.

That, or your situation at work really, really sucks.

In which case, maybe it really is time to change jobs. And/or leave the country. Fast.